Ama Dablam Methodology

AD_Strategies. Connection between ESG-SDG criteria
and business benefits

AD_Strategies initiative is based on the conviction that the private and public sector, society and environment can be benefited in harmony. The symbiosis between all these systems is a field of research not enough explored until now.
We analyse how companies interact within the global ecosystem to design and develop better business strategies for a better future based on a holistic approach. This is primarily done using field research
AD_Strategies maps possible future changes and business voids to highlight new opportunities. Using tools and perspectives from research, AD_Strategies looks for emerging social and technological shifts that suggest possible changes in the current business models. Our work is based on advanced research for latest technology and science innovation for possible applications in business with positive impact and turns novel strategies and theoretical solutions into real projects.
Ama Dablam methodology is based on the quintuple helix innovation model which represents a new framework which includes new knowledge, more stakeholders with sustainable development at its center.
The five different subsystems included in the quintuple-helix model, are represented by the following actors:

  1. Academia, such as universities, research institutions;
  2. Business/Industry, such as SMEs, multinational companies and investors;
  3. Government, such as local, regional and national public authorities;
  4. Civil Society, as individuals, NGOs and the public media;
  5. Environment
Victory awaits him who has everything in order, luck, people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time, this is called bad luck.
-Roald Amundsen Explorer who was the first to reach the South Pole. and the first to make a ship voyage through the Northwest Passage.
AD_ Strategies: a new holistic approach for corporate strategies based on ESG-SDG criteria.

Technology Innovation

The 2030 Agenda, adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, positioned Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) as key means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030 and seek to mobilize global efforts around a common set of goals.
AD_Strategies aims to foster the penetration of innovative technologies and solutions in the market in order to achieve the 2030 objectives and support companies in aligning their strategies with the SDGs offering novel solutions and technologies to put sustainability at the heart of their strategy business.
In particular, the technology startups and SMEs collaborating with AD_Strategies are mainly focused in the industry 4.0, circular economy and renewable energy fields.
In particular, AD_Strategies is currently collaborating with prestigious national and international organizations supporting innovative technology companies and startups which contribute to combat climate change and develop economy circular business strategies. We connect these technology companies with our clients/partners who will lead a low carbon transition and rewire their business model for long-term value and resilience.
A digital showroom for sustainable solutions and green technologies. AD_Strategies has launched a digital sustainable showroom where innovative technology companies offers high-impact solutions to organizations seeking a wider positive profit, social and environmental impact. This innovation space will show in particular relevant successful business cases in strategic sectors such as cleantech, circular economy and industry 4.0.

AD_Strategies initiative is aligned to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the SDG Compass initiatie fostered by UN Global Compact.

Sustainable Finance Platform

We choose together the financial instruments that best serve the necessary resources based on the financial objectives of our clients. In this sense, we collaborate to obtain both public and private financing based on ESG criteria. Our clients have access to the international community of top European venture capital firms. Through this network, the company gain one-on-one access to some of Europe’s most important investment instruments and increase their chances of succeeding when raising funds.

Multi-stakeholder Partnerships

Our customers require simple solutions to complex situations with multiples edges. The networks fed by years of experience constitute an added value to our clients. We collaborate with different interest groups and geographical areas that so our customers are in the best partner in making strategic decisions.
Who knows the market best is one who lives in it. We seek the solution through our networks of collaborators specialized in the target market and in the reference matter. AD_Strategies partnership strategy is mainly based on the five key actors identified in the Quintuple Helix Innovation Model: academy, business/industry, government, society and environment. In keeping with this model, more and more governments are prioritizing greater public involvement in innovation processes.

Growth strategies: development of new markets/new products

Launching a new product or entering a new market is a challenge that carries a considerable risk and investment effort. During such investments, it is important to have detailed knowledge of the market, identify the needs of local customers and be aware of effective market penetration strategies. These factors that can help a company to carry out market entry minimize the risk of failure and take full advantage of market opportunities
AD_Strategies team has a recognized experience in product, market and consumer research and has supported a large number of SMEs to successfully complete product development and entry projects.
A strong ESG proposition helps companies tap new markets and expand into existing ones. When government trust companies, they are more likely to award them the access, approvals, and licenses that afford business opportunities for growth.

“the global business
benefits of doing good”

Only companies committed to society, the environment and corporate governance (the ESG-SDG companies) will attract more clients, more financing and have a better reputation. The ESG-SDG companies improve, not only the lives of their customers, shareholders but also bring benefits to the community.
AD_Strategies support your organization in the creation of pionner marketing and communication campaigns conveying your ESG-SDG proposition and improving stakeholders’ perception. These campaigns will be based on a story-doing approach (observation, identification, empathy, emotion and brand value) using digital communication strategies such as podcast and digital events using the lemma “The global business benefits of doing good”.

“The global business benefits of doing good” – A pioneer podcast hub

AD_Strategies has launched this pioneer initiative aimed to share the ESG proposition of our clients and partners with the society. This digital communication initiative will be a meeting point between companies and all key stakeholders, in particular: renowned professionals and researchers, civil organizations and public administration.