Rewiring businesses for
long-term profitability
and sustainability
Ama Dablam
AMA. (n.) mother or world.
DABLAM. (n.) charm box, a special pendant worn by elder Sherpa women that holds precious items.

Our Inspiration

AMA Dablam is known as one of the most impressive and beauty mountains in the world.
The mountain has a hanging glacier that resembles a dablam and the two extending ridges are outstreched like a maternal embrace.
Ama Dablam inspires AD_Strategies philosophy based on the creation and development of high performace businesses with positive impact.

About us

Dr. Paloma Moya
Senior Associate
D. Alberto Sáez
Senior Associate

AD_Strategies counts on 2 Research Associates and several Partners.

For decades, most companies have oriented their strategies toward maximizing total shareholder return. Nowadays, there is a new paradigm where corporate leaders are rethinking the role of business in society. As mentioned in recent international publications and studies from recognized organizations stakeholders (including employees, customers, and governments) are pressuring companies to play a more prominent role in addressing critical challenges such as economic inclusion and climate change.
In particular, there is recognition that meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be possible, without the involvement of the different actors, in particular the private sector’s one. Furthermore, investors are taking a growing interest in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of the companies. Through the growth of ‘impact investment’ and application of non-financial metrics, investors are beginning to recognise the interdependency between sustainable development and commercial success.
Ama Dablam Strategies (AD_Strategies) is an initiative fostered by an international group formed by senior consultants and researchers in the fields of business strategy, innovation, finance, communication and education. AD Strategies activity is focused on generating business strategies aligned with ESG criteria and positive impact on society and environment. As a multidisciplinary senior team, we have a through understanding of the importance of delivering Aadvanced solutions for our clients and partners.
As forward thinkers we support and provide strategy advisory and research that contributes to the (re)-evolution of the private and public sector and our changing society.

AD_Strategies. Connection between ESG-SDG criteria
and business benefits

Our Purpose

As mentioned by the SDG Compass initiative, lead by the UN Global Compact, Global Reporting Initiative and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), our planet faces massive economic, social and environmental challenges. To combat these, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global priorities and aspirations for 2030. They represent an unprecedented opportunity to eliminate extreme poverty and situate the world on a sustainable path.

We aim to support businesses in the definition of long-term action plans based on the philosophy “the business benefits of doing good”. AD_Strategies turns the complexity of the current business challenges into successful and real strategies to find, creative and disruptive solutions, aligned with sustainable objectives at economic, environmental and society level integrating ESG factors into corporate strategies.

E_environmental criteria, includes the energy the company takes in and the waste it discharges, the resources it needs, and the consequences for living beings as a result. Encompasses carbon emissions and climate change.

S_social criteria, addresses the relationships the company has and the reputation it fosters with people and institutions in the communities where it operates. S includes labor relations and diversity and inclusion.

G_governance, is the internal system of practices, controls, and procedures the company adopts in order to govern itself, make effective decisions, comply with the law, and meet the needs of external stakeholders. Every company, which is itself a legal creation, requires governance.

The re-thinking process of the current business models is fundamental for understanding the complexity of the problem. Once we accept that we are a part of a global ecosystem and that we have to look for a win-win situation between business-environment and society, we will find easily the solutions to improve the private and public sectors.

Corporate Strategies with positive impact

The AD_Strategies initiative aims to combine different inputs and to explore them in order to reach the needed equilibrium required between business profitability, environment, society and governance. Integrating sustainability into corporate strategy not only creates value and a sustainable competitive advantage, but also responds to stakeholders’ demands concerning environmental and social issues. Getting your environmental, social, and governance (ESG-SDG) proposition right links to higher value creation of the company.

AD_Strategies integrates solutions from several fields in order to create and develop succesful strategies integrating ESG proposition

Connection to innovation ecosystems: collaboration with technology startups and SMEs belonging to different strategic sectors such as industry 4.0, circular economy, cleantech renewables energies and sustainable transport.
Novel sustainable public and private funding instruments in particular venture capital funds, green and social bonds.
Pioneer education programmes to enhance leadership capabilities on the new sustainability paradigm.
Innovative communication and marketing strategies based on human-emotional factors and society impact of the company.

A strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) proposition links to value creation in five essential ways.

Strong ESG proposition (examples)
Top-line growth Attract B2B and B2C customers with more sustainable products
Achieve better access to resources through stronger community and government relations
Cost reductions Lower energy consumption
Reduce water intake
Regulatory and legal interventions Achieve greater strategic freedom through deregulation
Earn subsidies and government support
Productivity uplift Boost employee motivation
Attract talent through greater social credibility
Investment and asset optimization Enhance investment returns by better allocating capital far the long term (eg, more sustainable plant and equipment)
Avoid investments that may not pay off because of longer-term environmental issues

AD_Strategies explores the benefits of business strategies based on ESG-SDG criteria. Source: McKinsey & Company